Thursday, June 6, 2019

Role Play World Channels [World Building]

Wrote some intros for Role Play channels in a Discord I'm a part of. They are as follow

     The Cross Road, where the world meets. It is a point of convergence in more ways that one. Where the King’s Walk and the Serpent Trail meet, the two longest roads in the realm each stretching to the furthest reaches of the continent. Resting on the border of three nations, two ruled by Humans, and one by Dwarves. A Kingdom of Day, a Principality of Night, and a Council of All Fathers. These nations bicker within their borders and without, one particular sore spot for the Days King being a Conclave of Elves who refuse his authority in their woods. Such is the concern, and the way, of mortals, The Cross Road sits upon far greater still.

     Ley lines meet at the Cross Road, they intertwine, mingle, and diverge. Wizards and Scholars from all over have come to study and research its significance and meaning. It is though to be the reason that the areas is so… peculiar.

     To the North, a half days travel is the Demons Teeth, a series of mountains that play host to Giants, Ogres, and Trolls. Pocked with an intricate and dizzyingly complex cave system infested with all of the variant Goblinoid races.

     To the West and South, the Evergrowth, a massive forest teeming with life both mundane and wonderous. Thick brush rumored to contain it’s fair share of fey folk, dryads, ents, and several Druidic tribes, some more friendly than others

     Underneath, a Dungeon. A labyrinth once ruled over by mad wizards of ages past, ten or so and a couple more. Each more powerful than the last and each more malevolent than the one before. With traps, monsters, and magic all twisted into a labyrinth the scale of which would leave even the most hardened Adventurers weak and feeble… But also treasures, untold riches unclaimed, ready to be taken by they who are brave enough to find it.

     Finally, in the center, built over the Roads themselves a town of mortals. Wild and brazzen enough to try and make it home, as is also the way of mortals.

     Taverns and Dragons. Now don’t you worry, it’s just a name, there be no great lizard beasties hiding behind the bar! It’s a bit of an odd name, sure, but then everything is a little bit odd in Crossroads, and the name is just the start of it!

     Now... taverns across the realm are already known as havens for the traveling thrill seekers that make up Adventurers, buncha vagabonds that they are and rowdy even in small numbers, but a Tavern in the center of a town built to cater to them? Tavern and Dragons has had every brick, board, and bit of mortar replaced at least once I can assure you of that! That being said, theres no better place in the realm for a good soft bed, or a good stiff drank!

     The place is never not serving, and never not busy. To speak more than three words at a time to the staff is seen as an accomplishment. Two rules exist in this establishment, they’re all you gotta know walkin into the place. They are

 1. Every Weapon is Peace Knotted, yes even your blasted big battle axe, tie it up or get out.
 2. Keep your hands off the staff and the other guests, unless they tell you otherwise.

     Now Adventurers are hardly the type that likes to listen to rules, so a rather elegant and effective deterrent is in place at Tavern and Dragons and it happens to be that disturbingly large and I might add enchanted crossbow that is prominently displayed behind the bar, and I can tell you first hand all staff members are trained in its use.

Town Intro
     The Town of Crossroads. Hard to say when it was established, as it never really was. It sort of just formed over time as people met at the Cross Road. People bartered, camped, made merry, and shared their stories. Eventually as time went on a Bazaar became a Trading Post became a Village and then… The Town. A sort of government formed, nothing too formal though. To the people of Crossroad as long as everyone has a job and food in their bellies, they don’t much care who’s running the thing. People lived, happy, and a community was born.

     The town’s position on the Cross Road put it in a very special position, while it falls on the border of three nations, it does not accept the rule of any of them. The nations all have… opinions… on this, but the Crossroads’ usefulness to travelers, merchants, and the occasional marching army means its best to leave the town as is. This does tend to make it a haven for some of the more lawless denizens of the world, but they too know the town’s too useful to allow it to be lost, that and the fact the town does keep a garrison of its own guards. Like any large community, the criminal element keep to the shadows. With that exception and one other, the town of Crossroad differs little to any other in the land, that exception? Its industry.

     The industry of Crossroads is one thing and one thing alone, catering to Adventurers. Crossroads makes some of the finest armor and weapons, with some of the smiths specially trained in custom jobs. It has the very best apothecaries, churches dedicated to all of the many great Gods and Goddesses, and  an extensive library. It even has it’s very own Bardic College.

     All of this thanks to their position on the border and its proximity to places like Demon’s Teeth and the Evergrowth. Not to mention being on top of a massive Labyrinth once ruled over by mad Wizards. Crossroads is like candy for those seeking fortune, glory, or just something big and snarly to fight.

Training Yard
     If you’re gonna cater to Adventurers, the least you could do after taking their gold is to make sure they don’t die… Or at the very least, give them a fighting chance.

     The Training Yard is an Acre of hard pressed and dusty land, and it is where Adventurers who come to Crossroads go to learn, practice, and let off some steam. It's also the only place in Crossroads where two people who just can’t come to terms are allowed to come to blows. Formal duels are fought until yield or death, and bring in quite a crowd.

     While the Training Yard is technically open to all to use in whatever training or exercise they see fit, it does provide a service. You need to learn how to swing a sword? An Axe? Need to learn how to throw a spell or pick a lock while in the middle of combat? You can learn it at the Training Yard. This service does not come cheap, however. While renting of equipment can cost you a few coins, especially the repair fees, what you really come to the Training Yard to lose your income for? The trainers.

     Those who teach at the Yard are the rarest of breeds, they’re not your average garrison trainer, and you’re not learning to be a city guard. Those who train here are Adventurers, those with the skill and talent to grow into retirement. For the right coin they’re more than willing to spend their twilight years teaching you how to be like them, take pride in this, some of them got their own start spitting blood into the very ground you’ll be picking yourself up off of.

     The Evergrowth is a forest, you think you know of forests? No you know meadows, you know gardens, you know of a handful of trees that are planted somewhat near to one another. What you know of is sparse, is paltriness. No this is a Forest, dense and deadly.

     Within the brush of the Evergrowth innumerable animals make like this was just another wood, but also within are the strange and the bold. Monsters, there is no other word. Feral beasts  and some almost sentient claim their territories, and are quick to kill whatever treads into their domain.The fey are to be feared no less than the monsters, pixies, fairies, sprites, and their Ent and Dryad protectors. Capricious, curious, always looking to play tricks and games with mortals, never seeming to realize that mortals die in these games.

     They are not the true danger however. Lurking in the trees and the grass is a deeper terror, the greenery itself and the mortals who have allied with them. Three Druid tribes are ‘known’ about in these woods, insomuch as there are stories of them, there may be more. One at least is friendly to other mortals, they do what they can to aide the peoples of Crossroads, often offering them safe passage through their land, understanding the delicate balance of mortals and the wild. The other two tribes? Not quite so friendly.

     This is the place the people of Crossroads fear most, as the forest itself encroaches on the Kings Walk south of the town, constantly threatening to consume the road. For this, a band of Rangers known as the Wood Workers are always dispatched in a garrison outside the forest to protect the road, to keep it from being claimed by the wild.

     Deep in the heart of the Evergrowth is a glade, the only truly peaceful land in the forest, it is said the Wild Goddess herself once rested here underneath the Glade Tree  and blessed the area upon her departure. If one can brave the forest to get there, it is truly serene.

     Here is what draws in most Adventurers to Crossroads, though many have yet to make their return from the depths. Whether devoured by some abomination, boiled to the bone by a trap, or simply lost in its endless twists and turns till they collapsed in exhaustion, never to rise again.

     It started as a simple dungeon, an ancient and long forgotten wizard’s secret laboratory. A keep, a home away from home, away from prying eyes and judgement. It was expanded as needed, rooms added, still a modest dungeon at best. Then? The wizard died, hard to say how. What was left behind was a modest dungeon of a modest Wizard.

     Some time later another Wizard came upon it, seeing it’s usefulness as a hideaway for their own secret machinations, it was expanded again, and protected from outsiders. Secret entrances were installed in the surface, and some less conventional architecture was built because sometimes you just feel like walking on the ceiling. That wizard died too. Though the cause there is actually well known, it's in all the history books.

     Later still and again and again and again it happened. Each wizard who stumbled across the chasms added their own maniacal flair. It continued until ten and some more wizards had turned the dungeon into a sprawling labyrinth. Hidden within its depths are treasures, magics, and relics from over seven centuries. All for the taking if by those with the wits and skills needed to brave the creatures, traps, and magical defences of the Ten and Some Mad Mages.

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