Sunday, November 1, 2020

Back in the Saddle - NaNoWriMo2020


Hell of a god damn year, huh? 

So as I had mentioned in my last Progress Report I had planned to continue on with Fight or Flight and finish it after completing NaNoWriMo. It was slower going but I was making some amount of progress, I did fall into bad habits and instead of writing every day started writing every couple weeks.

Then came 2020. Fucking hell. 

So you might be thinking that a Global Pandemic that forces everyone to stay indoors would be beneficial to, you know, writing... though you'd be wrong. I didn't get to work from home, although I was put onto a Covid Rotation at work where I only worked every other day, so while I did have extensive time to myself... 

I mean...

The world coming to an end wasn't exactly the greatest motivator to write a silly story about a pro-wrestler and a priestess beating up fantasy Nazis, ya know?

Stress and worry got in the way and then laziness took care of the rest. I'm not done with Wilhelm and Annice, not at all, and I will be returning to them just as soon as I finish this year's NaNoWriMo

That being said I will be starting my new project tomorrow, as I have been busy today with personal matters. Welcome to the story of Kassadi Weaver and Madrona Daae! A Wizard and a Warlock who enter a cave separately, but leave unable to be parted. Welcome to...


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