Sunday, November 24, 2019

NaNoWriMo2019 - Progress Report 11/24

So my original plan was to get up in the morning and immediately start writing to make up for yesterday, that did not happen as I ended up being a little sick when I woke up. I don't care what is motivating you to sit down and write, it's hard to maintain that when you have to get back up and go to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Upset stomach makes for difficult pace keeping.

But I was able to rebound in the afternoon and got myself two sessions and cranked out about 3k words for the day, still less than I wanted but I'm now over 46k.

I realized today as I wrote that I changed Rikkard's name, one I completely just flubbed and accidently wrote the name out as Rikkon far too many times, no real excuse there guess I just latched on to the similarity to the Game of Thrones name. Oops. The other is a flub, but one I'm keeping. I named the character Rikkard Spear to reference a very specific, very punch-able, real person, but I had kinda forgotten by the time of his official introduction, that I gave him the last name Spear, so I came up with Weiswolf.

It's really no more subtle

But you know what? It's a better name, so I'm keeping it. Thus is the nature of firsts drafts. Once I go back to do minor edits I'll correct the mistake. Till now let my warts and all first draft proudly display the contradiction!

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